When can I use an Arctic Dome?
Arctic Dome is a year-round product, just as suitable in summer as in winter. We offer tailored solutions for your needs, and we have the accessories you need for any season. Below, you’ll see examples of uses for Arctic Domes, based on season. The unique opportunities that the Norwegian seasons offer, makes Arctic Dome the perfect product. The domes are easily moved and adapted, and makes for a cost-effective way of exploring the already existing opportunities.
Are you offering activities such as salmon fishing, whale safaris or paddling, and are looking for an attractive accommodation offer? Spending the night in an Arctic Dome lets your guests wake up in a comfortable double bed, adjacent to the planned activities.
Fall in Norway might just be our most beautiful season, and nature puts on its finest shrouds, freshening the air and opening possibilities. Hunting tourism has been popular around the world for a long time, and hunting camps where the guests really see high comfort levels and something extra exotic during their stay is very popular. Arctic Dome is offering you the opportunity to establish a camp like this in a cost effective and simple way.
Arctic Dome is perfect in combination with winter activities, such as skiing, norther lights spotting or dogsledding. Picture an active day, skiing in the winter wonderland, and then coming back to a warm and cosy Arctic Dome, where you will be served local cuisine and beverages while enjoying the view and closeness with nature.
Are you close to mountains with skiing opportunities? As randonée has become more and more popular in Norway, the market for accommodations in connection with it has grown. Arctic Dome provides you with the opportunity to establish luxurious accommodations offer alongside such activities, without the need to build anything permanent.